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Old 03-28-2008, 02:59 AM   #11
Fred T
Cantankerous Geezer
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Re: Need help on 49 Chevy straight 6

I will add a couple of things.

On the 216 engine the rod bearings use poured babbit. This is the reason you don't see too many of the 216s still in use. Continued lugging at low rpm or driving at high rpm will deform the babbit, causing excessive rod play. Most of the 216s didn't make it to 75,000 miles.

The solution is to have your rods reconditioned and machined for steel-lined insert bearings. They still use babbit, but it is much thinner and doesn't get deformed as easily. If you can't find a machine shop locally that can do it, go to the stovebolt site and look up Hotrod Lincoln. He has offered to machine rods for people in the past.

I haven't checked prices lately, but Patrick's used to sell engine rebuild parts cheaper than I could buy locally with a discount. And he is a good egg, won't try to shaft you. And has a lot of good advice.

On the starter, I can still get a rebuild at my local auto parts store. Other options are to rebuild it yourself, it probably only needs new brushes, a few bucks at the parts store. You should also be able to find somewhere locally to rebuild it, too.

As for converting to 12 volt you don't have to. Simply adjust the voltage regulator to a litttle higher voltage, 7.5 volts. Your bulbs will burn brighter, but won't last quite as long. The starter will also turn over faster.

For a wiring harness, go with one from one of the vendors that's a reproduction, since you are wanting to stay stock. Painless makes a good product, but putting in a stock harness is a lot easier. Go with the vinyl coated wire, not the older style cloth.

Gaskets for the engine, tranny and differential are still made by Fel-pro. You should be able to buy them locally, if you can find a parts store that will look them up in a paper catalog. If not, the vendors have them.

As for vendors, I will tell you that I will not do business with LMC. There are many others out there that have people who know what they are selling, and have actually used the parts. LMC does not offer that service. Either go to the vendor links here or at Stovebolt, there are more vendors listed than Carter has pills.

There is no such thing as too much cam...just not enough engine.
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