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Old 03-30-2008, 04:26 AM   #1
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Can't find part that AD door hinge bolts into??

I'm getting ready to start on restoring a 52 AD 1/2 ton, have ordered most of the metal but there is a part I can't find as aftermarket and can't remember it ever being mentioned by others doing restorations.

I have to replace the driver side lower pillar panel that the lower door hinge goes into but the repair panels sold don't have what the Factory Assembly Manual (sheet#1 section #35) calls the "Hinge Panel Reinforcement" that contains strengthening straps and the captured nuts that you bolt the attaching hinge bolts into. This part is directly behind and attached to the the lower pillar opening. Mine is completely rusted away.

Where would I get that?? used parts??

Larry in Tidewater Virginia
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