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Old 03-31-2008, 01:21 AM   #1
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Smile Pics and Q's re: new 70 SWB

Hey everyone. First timer on this site. I'm from Canada and have been looking for a truck like this for over half a year already. Nothing is in reasonable condition out here. Everythings rusted beyond repair. Dream came true when I managed to find one out in California on a family vacation! Still waiting for it to be shipped home though. I know for certain that I want to buy disk brakes (for sure in front, maybe back too) different wheels, as well as lower it quite a bit. I've been told buying lowering spindles/disks is the best way? Ive been thinking of 20" torque thurst wheels, but they only come in 5 lug as far as I know. So that makes me wonder, if I buying lowering spindles, should I buy 5 or 6 bolt? I've heard that people regret switching from 6 to 5 due to the lack of bigger wheels availble for 5. Any input from you guys? Also any brand name/kit suggestions for lowering spindles/disks? Any input at all would be a great start for me.
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