So, I'm most of the way through my current project on the '64: installing headers and flowmasters. I have the driver's side all on and clamps tightened. Of course, I've been slowed down by needing to repair the prev owner's 'craftmanship,' but I'm taking my time to make sure everything is done correctly.
I of course couldn't wait until I had the passenger side done and fired up the truck w/just one header on. Oh wow, car-wood! It's going to sound sick when complete.
Here's my question. The rear cylinder's pipes on the driver's side interfere with the Z-bar, and I need to move the offending 'prong' of the z-bar inboard (towards the engine) by about 3/4 to 1", to clear the new pipe. Is there anything to worry about in doing this? I tried attacking it with a BFH (big, uh... hammer) and it won't budge, so I will have to have a friend cut and reweld. Do I have to worry about this relocation, with regards to the clutch linkage going to the clutch from the Z-bar? I'm wondering if modifying this will make the length too long. Pointers on this?
I'm going to attack the passenger side here today/tonight and see what kind of swear words that I'll be making up while fighting with clearance around the starter.