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Old 03-31-2008, 10:11 PM   #8
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Re: 72 Ambulance engine decoding help

All the badass ambulances back in the late 60's and early 70's were Cadillacs. Those mamas could move. I think they were 472's?

The vietnam war brought us para-medicine- many techniques learned in the trenches. Before para-medicine was widely practiced, the prevailing thought to ambulance service was "get'em to the hospital as fast as you can" The top-shelf ambulance providers (usually hospitals) had caddy ambulances and NASCAR wannabe drivers. Soon after the war, it was recognized patients had better outcomes if you stabilized, then transported. Ambulances got bigger- because they carried more equipment.

The new ambulances in Austin are the size of small moving vans. About as fast as a shed...

So- to get back to the thread, If the engine came out of a suburban, it isn;t any different from an engine out of our truck. If you want to scoot- find one of those old caddy's.
No matter where you go, there you are.
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