Let's see- two serp. belts, two alternators, a new radiator, 3-1/2 days, 4 skinned knuckles, multiple trips to Napa and countless colorful adjectives spoken out of frustration and contempt, I finally got the serpentine accessory drive setup on my '67!
Part of the issue was that I did not remove the brackets and whatnot from the donor vehicle (89 S10 w/ 4.3) so all the fasteners were missing....but for $15 bucks including the Alt., W/P, A/C Compressor and all pulley's- I figured I could spend some time rounding up the various nuts, bolts, and studs. I also did not plan ahead and score the SI to CS type alternator conversion harness, until I was a$$ deep into the swap. Furthermore, I did not plan on my screwdriver slipping off the bottom hose clamp and putting a nice gouge in my radiator!
One note for those who are contemplating this project....the smog pump delete tensioner is hella-pricey! The only place I could find it was my local stealership.......for $67! The A/C delete was very reasonable from my local Napa @ 28 bucks. Also, if you do run w/o the AC and Smog pump- you will need a Gates Model # K060970 belt (21mm x 2480mm) which is about 4" shorter than the one used w/ AC and Smog pump (stock S10).
But now that it's on...I'm happier than a pig in s%*t!
One question though- does anybody know which upper radiator hose I need to get so it's routed in front of the alternator and connects to a straight t-stat housing?