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Old 04-02-2008, 04:14 AM   #17
Longhorn Man
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Re: Child seats for 2 year old - options?

I knew this would open a can of worms...

Originally Posted by 1971ChevyTruck View Post
I have to strongly disagree with this...This would nevy fly in IL...And I kinda disagree with Longhorn--Illinois State Police told me to mess with the belts--Unless our police don't have a clue--although the 4 point harness they told me to use says "Not DOT Approved" If you understand that please explain!!!
Did you talk to the desk seargent, who was tryin to answer the phones and run his crew, or did you speak to someone who actually opened books and looked into it? We are talking FEDERAL law here. Unless a belt comes with a DOT aproval for said make, model, and year, it can not be DOT aproved. A safety item is DOT aproved per application, and not a generic blanket aproval. (some exclusions, like some model lights and reflectors) Plain and simple, there are only 2 set ups that are technicly legal in our trucks. The stock lap belt, and the stock non racheting shoulder harness. When my first truck was failed for later model 3 point belts on a state level inspection, I was arguing like crazy. However, once he took me into his office, and pulled out a book the size of the LA phone book (it was actually 5 books this big) and showed me exactly what the federal guidlines are on this.
As for the 4 point and 5 point harness... again, they are not going to leave it up to the general public to install these items. If installed incorectly, they will compress your spine causing all kinds of problems even paralizing you. Do you have a roll bar with a shoulder height lateral bar in your truck? If not, there is NO SAFE WAY to install a 4 or 5 point harness. period.

Originally Posted by kelsfine69 View Post
I beg to differ I have a nice piece of steel behind that bolt and in a accident its not comming thru. yes it is not DOT but have you seen some of the "factory" anchors they are alot thinner. With this point installed the child seat is solid. Much more solid than without one. I have installed many anchors im my time... all factory...fom the dealer and ther is not much to them and they are DOT approved. Also would it still be DOT if you took one and bent it to fit a truck?? I dont think so.
Unless you designed the anchors in these aplications you mentioned (I assume you are/were working on an auto assembly line) then you don't know what is going to happen. Even thin sheet metal, if shaped the right way, and in a certian portion of the vehicle, could out perform a 1/8 inch bar of steel. You never mentioned that you backed it up... that would make it a bit better. But when it comes down to it, that portion of the cab wall is not much more than a large piece of sheet metal. The fuel tank does weigh more than a child when it is filled up, however, that weight is distibuted over 7 or 8 bolts if memory serves. So that would make 500 pounds of fuel only 62.5 pounds (if it's 8 bolts) and actually less since most of the weight would still be on the floor. (not taking into acount the added G forces of stoping instantly)
I also don't know jack about Canada's DOT certification program, nor there laws govorning this kind of stuff. I can only assume they are close to ours.

If these mods make you sleep better at night, and your local cops/inspections agree with you, then by all means, do it.
I just STRONGLY urge you to remove all these things if you plan to sell.
Whomever installed or modified anything that causes or intensifies injurys, isthe person generally responsible for damages. And in this law suit happy (U.S.) world we live in, all it takes is a high dollar lawyer to make things happen. Lawyers make it happen, judges let it happen.

I would recomend getting a child seat that is designed to be used with a lap belt. I am sure there's plenty on the market, since the center of the rear seat is the best place for a child, and not all modern cars have 3 point belts in the center rear.
That, or put the tot in a volvo.
I'm not going to get in a p!ssing match with anyone, think what you want to think, know what you want to know, ignorance is NOT bliss in this kind of situation.
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