Originally Posted by Shane
you're making this more complicated than it needs to be. just use the stock 71-72 prop valve & lines everywhere but at the "soft" lines in the front ... weld the tabs and then use braided brake lines that you can purchase in whatever lengths you need as well as with whatever size end you might need. be aware that the right size brake line has a different size thread than the left side brake line.
edit: brake lines have different threads left to right ... not caliper.
I'm in a similar situation (doing a frame-up build) - 69' SWB Frame & crossmember with CPP dropped spindles on front that use 73+ brake components (using stock drums in back). So I've bought all new calipers brake hoses etc. from Napa, but still need to source the lines out now....this seems to be the best advice here - just order the complete SS hardline kit from LMC, I've already got a master cylinder, prop valve and booster from a 72'. I talked to a guy at CPP, and he told me to just use the 73'+ stock caliper hoses, but install them with a loop since they are a bit longer. Sounds like a half-a$$ bit of advice to me, so I think I'll return those and just go with the braided hoses up front.
Question that I have is about the fittings for the hard lines...to join them together (Y-block for front lines, barrel to connect to rear, etc.) - is there a place to buy those new as well, or will I have to piece that together from a parts store?
Nevertheless, good advice here - thanks!