Thanks for the compliments fellas.
Originally Posted by woodymm3
just curious on your welds do you use gas or flux. ..... is there a big difference in the two i am looking at buying a welder and never done it but seems like it is something i can learn by myself.... which is the best way to go?
I'm self taught. There are tons of info on welding on here and most manufacturers forums. I bought a Hobart Handler 140. It was the most bang for the buck I could find. Being made by Miller helped too. The gun actually says Miller on it. Definitely use a shielding gas. I use 75% argon/25% Co2. Makes for a much cleaner weld.
Originally Posted by vtblazer
Way to keep moving ahead, looks really good.
Better aerodynamics too. 
Thats what I was thinking. Wait till ya see the SuperBird nose piece I'm fabbing up for the front of it. Anything for better MPG
