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Old 04-02-2008, 04:44 PM   #24
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Re: Child seats for 2 year old - options?

SORRY. Just about every seat can be installed with a lap belt. As far as boosters go...Buy a Britax seat that has the belts built into the seat, and will use a lap belt to install it.

Do not install your own tether to the vehicle unless you are ready to accept
what will happen when involved in an accident. It may or may not hold...but it if doesnt will hit you or the child when it comes loose...we are told do not use any aftermarket items. If you came in to have your seat installed..I would not use it. Check WWW.SAFEKIDS.COM with questions.

My dealer trains with state police in Maryland...We are CPS cert. Do a search on Fitzgerald Auto Malls and Child seats....You will see we hold a record for the most seats installed in one day. Fitzgerald is HUGE with installing child seats.
going to sell this one...looking for a SWB project next.

Last edited by Jcentsr6; 04-02-2008 at 04:50 PM.
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