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Old 04-03-2008, 07:33 PM   #4
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Re: 454 TBI performance help

Originally Posted by zombiescustoms View Post
They are using a compleatly aftermarket fuel injection ($$$$$), I'm going to try to do this as cheap as possible, and try to retain the factory FI

i recall that now that you mention it --- not much of the stuff they do on there is "budget oriented" thats for sure.

A set of 781(thats the last 3 digits of the casting number) heads and an RV type cam would perk it up (torque might stay close to the same if they are stock vs stock, but the 781 casting has much better hp potential than the truck heads, and are much cheaper than a new set of aluminum heads -- i saw a set on e-gay for $200 apiece from a rebuilder
Are you retired too?

Nonsense! I'm in my prime
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