The fusible link is between the the little terminal bolted to your fender and the radiator. It is taped up so that you can't
see it. Probably the easiest way to check it is to check the large red wire at your altenator. If there is no power there, then check the fusible link.
The little red wire that leads from the terminal on the fender that goes into the wiring harness on the radiator support ties directly into the fusible link. If the link is burned out, you will need to replace it.
On your wires in the gutter, purple wire is
the starter wire and hooks to the inside post on your solenoid on a V-8, the white wire is the factory ingtion wire that hooks to the positive side of your coil, it is also a resister wire. The green wire is the temperature sensor wire. The yellow wire goes to the outside post of the starter solenoid to provide 12 volts to the coil when starting, it ties into your white wire inside the taped harness.
Do you have this link for wiring diagrams?
Good luck!