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Old 04-07-2008, 12:10 AM   #3
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Re: 89 TBI 350 in my 66....? also some parts swap questions....

I think the TBI 350 is a great swap idea. Nice simple fuel injection on that setup. The TH350 will bolt up, but you'll need to rig the kick-down cable to work with the throttle linkage on the TBI. This is different then the TV cable that would be on there right now. You'll also need a vacuum line to the tranny, but that's no big deal.

As for the stalling, it could also be the IAC idle air control motor, or possibly EGR bypassing at idle.

About the electric fuel pump, you could adapt the tank, or you could do what I did and mount an external fuel injection pump on the frame rail (so that fuel can gravity feed the pump), then plumb to the TBI and run a return line back to the tank (I tapped in to the vent hose at the tank).

Oh, and don't ignore the oxygen sensor. Without it, the ECU will run the engine in "limp home mode", which will run extra rich and use a lot of extra fuel.
64 GMC Suburban - 283, NV3500, 14 bolt
77 C10 swb - 292, SM465, 12 bolt
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