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Old 04-09-2008, 08:38 AM   #9
CJ5 Convert
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Re: how can i upload and find my pictures

Welcome to the board from Sunny Las Cruces New Mexico. I don't know how far you got in the process so bear with me, por favor. If it is to much or info you allready new I misunderstood the question and thats my bad.

1st- make sure you are in advanced reply mode not just the quick reply at the bottom of the page.

2cd- Click on the arrow by the paper clip in the menu bar. This will bring up a second window.

3rd- In the new window select browse by one of the empty slots (top five lines) and select a photo from your computer. then click upload.

4th- If you only loaded one. You will now have 4 empty lines at the top. (5 is all you can load in one post. To do more you have to start a new post in the thread). Below these 4 lines there will be a couple of boxes below Upload from a URL. Then right below this. there is an area that says current attachments. If you loaded this one file right it will show up here.

5th- Close this box once you have something in the current attachments and go back to your message.

Last- Now that you are back in your message click the arrow again and
it will show your attachment (if you loaded more than one it will also give you "insert all" so you can add them all in one shot). Anyways once you click on either of these links you will get something that looks like this.

Name:  100_2136.jpg
Views: 74
Size:  53.5 KB

If they need to be resized here is an check the SITE FAQ here.

Welcome to the board from Sunny Las Cruces New Mexico. -Jason

Hope this helps. -Jason
- Jason
Orange Crush - 1969 K5 Blazer CST 4WD MONEY PIT
1975 CJ5 Renegade - Levi's Edition - 304 V8 original paint

Last edited by CJ5 Convert; 04-09-2008 at 08:48 AM. Reason: more info
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