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Old 04-09-2008, 08:20 PM   #9
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Re: I won't buy from GMCpauls anymore

I email you GMCPaul on Mar. 27th. You replied on the 27th. I replied back on the 27th. You didn't copy that email on the above post. I wrote this on Apr.2nd which gave you 2 days after the weekend to reply. Since you didn't reply the 2nd time I was mad and wrote this. Then On the 3rd of Apr. you replied. In that email it said I haven't heard from you so I will resend the emails incase it got lost. You didn't copy that in the above post either. Its says Apr. 1st on the original email as stated above, but what is not showing that it arrived on the 3rd. After I waited for a 2nd response. I will send it back to you and you can determine if I am COMPETENT to install a window regulator. If I jumped the gun in leaving negative comments I am sorry for that. Life is too short to argue and I would just rather buy another one and not argue anymore.
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