Thread: worth?
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Old 04-10-2008, 07:05 PM   #8
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Re: worth?

Originally Posted by kdrodworks316 View Post
not to be rude, but it sounds as if you are trying to talk yourself into it. I would bet there is a cleaner one out there waiting for you, or beat up the crackhead on the price. show up with $400 and maybe settle on $500. I would not pay more than $300 based on your description, but thats me. good luck
I second this motion. I paid $400 for the same rust, but it had a solid engine and solid tranny. I'm using it as a parts truck. Personally I think it's one to walk away from. For $750 or maybe less? you can find one with less rust and is in good shape. I paid $750 for my now current daily driver and found the engine was seized and a headache of other things, but it's in a lot better condition. (stole the engine and tranny from my parts one )
How can you tell if its a boy or a girl?
Guess we'll have to roll it over to find out!
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