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Old 04-11-2008, 12:11 PM   #12
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Re: Pics per request for Panel lovers

Originally Posted by 72LoBurb View Post
Awesome panel!

Where did you find the info on running the Chrysler a/c compressor for the bags?
I thought of using the Chrysler V-2 after reading a post on a "Rock Crawler" forum I stumbled on while searching for something else on Google. The post described a guy using an A/C compressor off of a Ford/ York A/C system. He was using it to re-air up his tires in the field. I guess rock crawlers lower their tire pressure to increase traction but need to add air for the drive home. Anyway I also found that there were some kits available to add on a York style compressor to Ford Broncos and Jeeps but the kits were ridiculously expensive and nothing for a Chevrolet. I had a Chrysler V-2 already and I started thinking about it and conferred with an old friend who was a #1 line mechanic for a Dodge dealership until he retired and we came to the conclusion that it should work great. It does work killer. I put an air chuck under the hood and keep one of those yellow cheap coiled hoses in the panel so I can pump up my tires or any one's tires. I can shunt the solenoid air valves if they screw up and pump the bags manually should I need to. I had to do that once and it was a life saver or should I say a tow saver. I can hook it up after washing my engine and blow dry the engine compartment. I suppose I could have used a York but the V-2 looks cooler than the blocky York.
'52 Buick Special Dlx 2dr. sedan, '68 Camaro
'69 C-10 Panel, '07 Toyota Taco SR-5
"Try to be the person your dog THINKS you are"

Last edited by 69panel; 04-11-2008 at 12:18 PM. Reason: forgot something after I posted
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