Originally Posted by tds
sorry i will clarify. i will not be running a 275/25/24 nor a 37/13.5R24. i will be trying to run a 305/35/24 which is 32.4" tall. i will be setting my notch to lay out on that and will see where it goes from there. i may have to go down to a 22 or a smaller 24" tire thou. also need to figure my bumpstop height
That is a LOT of tire! Good luck with that. On the back, if you have a fleetside, you can get it to fit with a LOT of work (stepside... forget it!), but on the front, you're looking at cutting PAST the fender tops to get that much tire in there. You'll have to do the hood/fender integrated approach (like what IFC did on the "Matt's truck" or like camaro__thunder did).