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Old 04-13-2008, 02:22 AM   #34
On the road

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Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 818
Re: The GSFMech Build

Another pic of the bodywork and you can see how much I pulled it up a little better also a shot of it spot primered and the finished door frame. I know it's hard to tell in the photo but it really closed the gap up at the top and at the rear and it's more uniform all the way around, it was driving me crazy.
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Castro- 72 SWB. Ochre and White. 496/400 turbo, GV OD ,Dakota Digital dash , tilt, Vintage Air, PS, hydro boost, factory buckets, console, QA-1 Coil over suspension, 20/20"Billet Specialties Magnetos

72 SWB. Med blue. 454/400 turbo, tach, tilt, Stock AC, PS,PDB, factory buckets, console, ECE 4/6 drop w/ 2" blocks and C-notch, 20/20"Coys- Crashed and destroyed by drunk driver Sept 2019. New 72 build in the works.

My new build thread "Castro"

My old build thread, the blue truck

Last edited by GSFMECH; 04-13-2008 at 02:39 AM. Reason: spelling
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