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Old 04-14-2008, 01:29 AM   #8
Council of the Elders
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Re: 66 C10 parking light wiring

It's called a Kwik Lift- made in Oklahoma. You drive up on it and then use a floor jack to raise the back part of the lift. Then you flip the back legs down and lock them in place. (The jack in the picture below isn't really holding anything up... it's just sitting there.) I park my truck on it all winter... and it opens up a whole new world of fun! I bought the demonstration unit that was being used by the company here at a local O'Reilly's car show... saved a bundle on shipping. (Downside: to work under the hood you have to stand on a stool.)
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66 C-10 Stepside
350 Tuned Port Injection
Tremec TKO-600

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