Re: West Coast Mirrors - Opinions
The mirrors you show are west coast juniors, usually 5x10" head. There weren't many on the 60's trucks around here, due to the cost. They are a good, solid mirror.
The stock mirror arm has a tendency to vibrate, especially with the larger head. If you go this route, make sure the door panel is reinforced.
What I would recommend you do is to mock up a junior mirror. It doesn't have to be fancy. Use what you have for the frame, wire, wood strips, cardboard and lots of the handyman's secret weapon. Then sit in your truck and look around. One thing you will find is a huge blind spot caused by the mirror head. Is it something you can live with?
I drove trucks for years that had the full size west coast mirrors. When I switched trucks it took me a while to find a mirror setting that gave me the best combination of rear vision and the ability to see around the mirror, especially at cross-streets.
There is no such thing as too much cam...just not enough engine.