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Old 04-19-2008, 05:35 AM   #1
lks dcvn
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Great Deal - Too Far - Passing it on to you...

Craig's List find in the Denver area...

Way too far from me - and way too much stuff to pay somebody to haul...but this appears to be a pretty great deal for you guys that are closer...

Hell - the 'extra' truck would sell up here for just the asking price alone...

**NOTE - I know nothing about the listing other than finding it online**

Ad says:

Plan was to build a 2wd roadster blazer. I have a 1972 Blazer body for sale. I also have the original 4wd blazer frame thats already been blazsted and repainted. I also have a 1972 Chevy longbed 2wd c-10 truck with all the bells and whistles (powersteering, air, power disc, etc.) Enough parts here to bnuild a wicked summer cruiser. I can piece it all out seperate or you can have the whole pile of parts for $1200/OBO. Im looking for a quick sale and will and will entertain reasonable offers for quicker sale Clear title on blazer and truck. Truck cab and bed are already removed as I was going to start putting the blazer body on the frame and cutting it down to fit the body. But thought I shjould hold off in case someone wants to put the truck back together. Tons of 67-72 parts and need to start cutting down on projects. Blazer body is stripped. What you dont see I dont have. No topper included. Also have many suburban bodies for anyone ambitious enough to try a hartdtop out of a burb roof. Red truckn on bottom is not mine just to give an idea of the build I was after. Call John 970-371-xxxx
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