Thread: Hello
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Old 04-19-2008, 07:00 AM   #1
Registered User
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Talent, Oregon
Posts: 30

Hey there,
I've been browsing the board for quite a while now. I've finally decided to ask a few questions and introduce myself.

About 6 months ago I picked up a 1971 K5 that has a fair bit of rust but is in otherwise remarkably unmolsted condition. It's the stock color (light blue) with one respray, a 2.5" lift 350, 4spd, 4WD, non-A/C, etc. I'm going through all of the drivetrain at the moment. It's currently my daily driver until the weather gets a bit more consistent and the VFR comes out to play. I'll be doing a Diesel +5spd conversion and a full visual restoration. It won't be a showroom restoration, but I like customization when most people don't realize it isn't stock... integration impresses me.

Anyway, looking forward to being a bigger part of the community.

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