Thread: 230 ci question
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Old 04-19-2008, 05:00 PM   #1
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230 ci question

Hello all. I've been a member here for a few months now and now have the money to start working on my truck. It's a '63 with a 230 inline. I recently found out that she is burning oil on a few cylinders and thought about rebuilding the motor. Well, i started looking around for a cheap motor or craigslist and found a guy locally that is selling a 195 hp 230 with electronic ignition and about 10,000 miles on it. Its and advanced auto crate motor. The motor was taken out of a 65 nova. will this motor bolt right in my truck? I tried to call advanced auto and they couldnt tell me because they dont sell a motor for a 63 chevy truck. thanks!
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