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Old 01-28-2003, 12:52 PM   #4
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: St.Louis Mo
Posts: 43
try this

Try going . They have articles on all of your questions except the turbo.
You could do a shackle flip on the back to lift it the additional 4" and only need to buy new front springs and shocks.

Also, it is possible to run 15" wheels on 1 ton axles if you grind the front calipers. Check out the article on coloradok5. I would recomend running 15" wheels because you have more choices for tires and they have the safety bead. This will help prevent popped beads if you use your truck offoad much. I have 16.5" wheels and have popped tires off the bead offroad numerous times.

There are other cool ideas on about disc brakes for a 14 bolt rear axle.

They even have an article about your frontend swap!!!!

80K10Scottsdale 350/th350/205 d44/14bff locked 35's
97 blazer 4x4 daily driver

Last edited by orionwy2002; 01-28-2003 at 12:59 PM.
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