Originally Posted by Dingfodgy
No worries brother.....I'm not offended! I know what DesertPOS was gettin' at....he just has a very abrasive and disrespectful way of communicating. Nonetheless, the cuts do wander a bit (a sawzall doesn't always cut perfectly straight) but as somebody pointed out- I don't care if the line is crooked to all hell, as long as the gap between panels is 1/16" and the overall length is where I need it.
Alright, alright.... Didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings here. It was more like 'ribbing' you a bit. I hate filling gaps, so that was just my first thought when I saw it. Props for taking on such a big project, and I'm sure it'll look great when it's done. If you want to see some wicked gap filling action, here is a pic from when I shortened my off road truck. LITTLE bit wrinkly... Sorry if I offended anyone...