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Old 04-25-2008, 12:34 AM   #33
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Re: Dealing with insurance co. help.

Just so that it is clear:
They are calling it a total loss and offering me $1,300 to buy my truck at fair market value. So now my job is to prove to them that it is worth more than their lowball estimated value. I just faxed them a letter arguing my point and 13 different online for sale adds to discredit their claim.
Lets see what happens.
If you want to see my letter, I'll post it, but be warned it is a page and a half long.

I know that according to some of you, they (other party's insurance co) don't have the right to total my vehicle.----I will play that card after I see this pan out.

By the way, thanks for all of yall's help.
87 Turbo Buick
92 5.0 Mustang coupe
87 GMC Sierra SWB
82 Chevy K5 Blazer 2wd

Last edited by jdurant; 04-25-2008 at 12:36 AM.
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