Thread: Question?
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Old 01-29-2003, 11:47 AM   #2
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: DFW, TX
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Hey Mark, welcome aboard! Glad to see another Dallas/Ft Worth member on. There's alot of us!

'77 is one of the years that now have the relaxed emissions testing (like my '75). You don't have to have the sniffer test, it's just a visual inspection. I had one shop check my very thoroughly and failed me for not having an EGR valve and my charcoal canister hooked up. However, most are not that strict on older vehicles. I went to another shop and passed with flying colors. I think by law, you must have all the emissions equipment on your truck that it came with for that year. For instance, charcoal canister, EGR valve, catalytic converter, etc.. But, as I said most shops are not that strict. I'm not sure about the Dallas area, but I could point you to a shop in Bedford that will be very relaxed. There are several Dallas county guys on here that I'm sure could tell you where to go over there.

Good luck and Welcome Aboard!
Scott Shelbourne
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