6.2 Diesel with less than 54K miles.
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04-30-2008, 11:21 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2005
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6.2 Diesel with less than 54K miles.
This motor came from a m1008 chevy military truck and I drove the truck over 30 miles and it ran great. I bought the truck from a government auction to get the front and rear axles so I don't need the engine. The paper in the truck from when it was put out of service said it had a burnt wiring harness which I fixed to get the truck where it would run for the purpose of selling it. The paper states the mileage on 12/17/2003 was 53824 and was put out of service then. I can fax you a copy of that paper upon request. The motor is missing the alternators and the starter, the water pump was working fine as well as the p/s pump. I also have the fuel filter base that I will include and the passenger alt bracket is not included.
256-504-3504 Kade $450 firm
YouTube - 6.2L Diesel
That is the actual motor running.
Last edited by jkade; 04-30-2008 at
11:21 PM
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