Thread: '62 2.5? ton
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Old 05-01-2008, 06:18 AM   #38
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Re: '62 2.5? ton

Originally Posted by 62 C60 View Post
The 62 has a title but the cab is real rusty under the tank and I like the looks of the 73-87's. I have an 88 cab just sitting in the yard I thought about putting on it. I guess I'll just get another 60-63 cab and put on it.
why waste your time putting a 40+ year old chassis under a newer cab? If you are building a tow rig, do it with some style. I would use your cab and frame rails, update the rearend and steer axle with some Eaton stuff. Then you set a 350 big cam cummins or a DT466 IH diesel with a 18 speed in it. Then you have the best of both worlds.big power, reliablity, reasonable milage and style. just my opinion.
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