Yeah I have seen all those on e-bay they all have some little problem I don't want~!
Hutch:I see you have a TS6M how is the wood in your boat. All the pre 1996 Supra boats around here are history due to bad wood rot and stringer issues. Man their new boats are SWEET. I build waterski boots for Kris LaPoint and am getting ready to do some other pro skiers feet in Feb. I take an exact mold of the foot and build a carbon fiber boot to use with the Ski-Technic release. I live on the Lake of the Ozarks and my cove is ski capital of the midwest, but they won't let us put the slalom course up any more due to heavy boat traffic on most weekends. It is GLASS right now~! Could not ask for better barefoot water. I guess the Canadians would be right at home in the 40 degree water but you won't catch me in it.