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Old 05-02-2008, 06:50 PM   #1
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The plot thickens...

So I started to dismantle the front clip so that I could clean up my firewall and put in a new windshield seal as I have had a leak for a while. The windshield was a piece of cake to take out. I can only hope that it is that easy to put back in! Whoever installed it the last time didn't even use any sealer on the windshield itself! Leak number one. Upon tearing the seal off of the cab I found a little surprise. Leak number two...a hole the size of a dime right in the bottom middle of the windshield. So much for a quick clean up and put it back together...Here are a few pictures...What do you all use to remove the windshield sealer that someone used to adhear the seal to the cab?
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1984 Chevy Stepside, 4spd granny, 4 1/2 front/6 inch rear drop.

Last edited by jdmaffeo; 05-02-2008 at 06:51 PM.
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