Originally Posted by LONGHAIR
The original poster (fatboy69) was well with-in the rules by offering the cad drawings, but this post has taken a turn. Then several subscribing members have asked to have these spacers produced for them? You guys are not only turning this into a "For Sale" & "WTB" ...but you are looking to put him into vendor status too?
How is anyone supposed to follow the rules with this kind of thing?
If he's selling for profit & was advertising as such, I could see a rule violation.
But, the original post was his solution to solve a dilemma several others have faced. He sent the program files to those that can do something w/them but others may not have that opportunity. He mentioned possibly being able to help those that don't have the means & we have let him know there's interest.
No prices have been mentioned.
No contract of sales made.
From what I see, he's only trying to see how many of these need to be made to help some fellow board members & is not in it to pad his pocket. I can understand paying a fee for selling items when you're trying to make money. So far, all I've seen is one guy offering to help others & we've offered to cover his expense to do so.
BTW, how does the board classify when a person selling an item/s falls into the 'vendor' category (for future reference)?