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Old 05-06-2008, 03:48 PM   #4
Registered User
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Lizzy's Cabeza
Posts: 37
Re: Trucks meets Car.

Can't wait to see more picts of the '35 when you start it. Nice trucks!
I have been told by staff, and given a warning, not to advertise in my signature being I will not subscribe. I have been using this site to gain more traffic on my own, which is one of many in a network of sites that I own... even though I say I do not make anything off of them at all. Anyway the staff changed my signature instead of banning me, and will use it to advertise one of the sister sites instead!

Check out www. or they both rock.

Also if you wish to subscribe to the site the information on how to do so is at

Thank you and enjoy your day.
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