Thread: tow hooks?
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Old 05-06-2008, 10:38 PM   #3
The LuvShack Garage
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Re: tow hooks?

YJ is right, $100 or less jump on them. 67/68 expect them
around $150 a set, 69-72 around $250, 72 only $400+++

I have a set listed for $600 + shipping and still have them

(I really don't want to sell them, can you tell )
Owner/Op: "TN Classic Transport Carriers"
The Toy: "Square Vette" 72 Hybrid Blazer
Toy Barn: "LuvShack" 40 x 60 x 20 Shop
Tow Piggy:"Maddy" 88 Silverado 3500
Hauler: "Feathers" 14 Aluma 8218T
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