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Old 05-07-2008, 07:22 AM   #30
Texas Big Wig
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Re: Project... Tinker !!!

The heads were 58cc combustion chamber & they have 184 intake / 150 exhaust valves

After the mods I did to them they are now 60cc which is what the heads on my 283 were & they had 172 intake / 150 exhaust

What I did was, curve the casting so that it wasnt sharp ( as one of yall said, sharp edges make hot spots) it also makes less turbulence for the flame travel
The groove also aids in flame travel & I rounded it too, so its not a hot spot either

From what I have read, by doing the mods I did it should help me be able to run more compression on 87 octane crap gas
Just not low enough...

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