Thread: tilt front end?
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Old 01-30-2003, 01:40 PM   #14
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If you just want to make the hood reverse tilt (not fenders or grill), it is a pretty easy fabrication/installation. I built my own for my '56 F-100, and it was not that difficult.

Since the hood is wider at the back than at the front, when it moves forward it must also "lift out" from betwen the fenders. This is accomplished with a "pivoting hinge" at the radiator cross member and rollers and guides at the firewall.

I have written the instructions for a generic "how to" on the old Ford trucks, but with a little imagination and tailoring, it could be done on these trucks too.

If you want a copy of the old truck install plans, send me an e-mail. It is in .pdf format and about 200k.

Good Luck,
'56 F-100 (w/all GM stuff)
Lookin' for another parts chaser!
'05 GMC crew cab
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