Re: am/fm radio questions
Not a whole lots of difference beside location of antenna hole and the block letters on the lens compared to script letters on a truck version. The inner tumbler has difference script also.
They will fit in a truck without any mods / or and the lens is cheap and inner drum is available from vendors also.
The asking price isn't off the mark, even van ones sell that or more.
Senior active founding member.
70 3/4 ton GMC Suburban 4x4 250/4 spd.
71 1/2 ton Suburban Chevy 4x4, 350/350
72 Chev 1 ton tow truck 402BB w/Holmes 440 wrecker on propane
2005 FLSTSCI Harley Springer
85 FXSB Harley Lowrider
72 Triumph 650 Bonneville 5spd
"Poor people don't have hobbies" Quote from wife.
Last edited by Rod; 05-10-2008 at 06:57 AM.
Reason: speltin