Anybody up for a fireball?
So heres the deal, i came home frome college today, about a 3 and a hlaf hour trip from champaign, IL, to crystal lake, IL. THe first sign that somethin was up was that as i was drivin i could sorta smell gas, but it was extremly faint, and i kept drivin past gas stations, so i figured i would check once i got home to fill 'er up. So i get to the gas station about 2 min from my house, nad im fillin up the LH tank, and some lady on the street in her car yells, hey kid with the truck, ur leakin gas! So i look under the truck and lookie here, a big puddle is forming underneith the RH tank. So im thinkin **** i quickly move the truck, very cautious, dont wanna blow anything up, and drive home. Me and my dad remove the plastic gaurd cover thing over the tank to find a nice foam pad lookin thing that was pressed up against the tank, with has a nice size hole in it streamin gas out. That tank didnt really work right in the first place, so there was only about 2 gallons in it. We were able to catch about a gallon, so that means on my trip home today, i lost a gallon of gas through that wasnt leaking when i left so somethin must have moved. So just a warning, if u buy a new truck, in my case an 87, check for foam pads covering holes in ur gas tanks!!
2000 GMC Sierra EXT Cab Short 4x4, finally mine...
1966 C10 SWB Fleet, 250 I6, three on the tree....
Previously Owned....
1987 Chevy R10 "Silverado" (at least the badges were) Short Step 350 700r4....
1972 Chevy LWB Fleet 350/350