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Old 05-10-2008, 08:53 AM   #71
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Re: Project... Tinker !!!

so now you want more compression, when you did these mods to the heads to lower compression? im not sure, but arent stock 283's around 9.5:1 with 58, or maybe even 64 cc combustion chambers? i'd say 9.5 or even 9:1 should be a good compression ration to shoot for. i have ran 92 octane in my car, but for the most part i run 100 octane. i havnt bought it for a few years, but last time i checked it was about $5 a gal... and that was atleast 2 years ago.

another thing to maybe consider is some real thin steel headgaskets. im not sure but they might raise the compression by .1 or .2?
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