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Old 05-10-2008, 06:19 PM   #1
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Unhappy Static drop lowering-totally lost!

Allright folks. All the threads about lowering the 73-87 truck have goeetn me more confused than ever. The confusion is mainly about picking the right parts. Here's a rundown of the criteria I'd like to stick to: I have a 1981 GMC Sierra Grande 1/2 ton shortbed 2wd with a 250 6 cylinder. I want to slam my truck without air, and using my $600 from Uncle Sam. I do not want to c-notch the rear, cause someday I'll be backhalfing it anyway, and I really don't haul anything. The notch would be a waste of my precious money. So is lowering coil springs. The front will sit on air someday too, so why spend the coin on springs you'll end up ditching anyway?

What I'm looking for is a nice, level slammed stance. Up front I'd like lowering spindles, but I've read here that there are multiple size spindles, that some will interfere with your turning radius, and that there are different sized brake rotors on these trucks. All this being said, I don't know what kind of parts for the front to buy so I don't screw anything up. I want the rear to sit level with the front, but I don't know what combination of parts to use. For pictoral purposes, I like the stance of Mr79C10, gunshotwoundshurt, and Malo83's trucks for example.

All you dudes and gals out there who have static dropped trucks; any advice you could give me would be a blessing. Sorry for the long email, but I'm just a tad frustrated, confused, and nervous.
G to the M to the C......fool!

RIP Jerry Reed "The Snowman"
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