The stringers are good in my boat.
My boat only has about 300 hrs. Since I purchased it new in 1988.
I met Kris Lapoint and my stepson took a few lessons from him.
My best description of him would be the Gentle Giant.
He is a quite guy but you can tell he is always thinking.
I am a member of the Metropolex Ski Club and we do an event every year on Jan. 1 called Polar Bear ski.
A lot of the folks wear dry suits and such but some ski as normal.
IT is just some fun skiing to break up the winter.
Get you a dry suit and go for it.
Best skiing down here is the Brazos River there are two locations that are known around the world. One is in Tin top Texas and the other is just south of Rio vista Texas. The river has three hundred foot tall cliffs along the banks and even on a windy day you still have lots of glass.
A number of the nationally ranked barefooters train on the Brazos River.
Try a goggle search on either of these locations and I am sure you will find some interesting reading.
Have fun
John Hutchison
68 1/2 t swb
68 Mustang
69 Jaguar
71 1/2 t swb
88 Supra CompTs6m
93 Escort GT
2005 Corolla XRS