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Old 05-10-2008, 08:30 PM   #5
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Re: Static drop lowering-totally lost!

Originally Posted by seanconnery View Post
...I want to slam my truck without air, and using my $600 from Uncle Sam. I do not want to c-notch the rear, cause someday I'll be backhalfing it anyway...

...So is lowering coil springs. The front will sit on air someday too, so why spend the coin on springs you'll end up ditching anyway?
Well, if your definition of “slam” is the same as mine, you’re going to need to notch your truck. You could skip it, but after about a week of normal driving, you’re either gonna notch it, or lift the back end up some. They say a good rule of thumb is 3” of clearance for a daily. Well, my dually has about 3” of clearance and I still make contact even with my springs being as stiff as they are. I’d say 4”-5” is a pretty good base number.

Secondly, “someday” is a long way off. For some folks, “someday” never comes. If it were me, I’d buck up and buy the right parts the first time, drop it and be happy with it. Or, just leave it alone until you do put it on bags. Don’t half ass it. You’ll never be happy if you do. Just remember, you could always sell the unneeded parts later to recoup some of the cost. Plus, your springs are only gonna run you, what, 80 bucks? If your gonna sweat 80 bucks, I’ll bet that “someday” for a full bag job and back half is a lot further off than you know.

Originally Posted by seanconnery View Post
...I want the rear to sit level with the front, but I don't know what combination of parts to use. For pictoral purposes, I like the stance of Mr79C10, gunshotwoundshurt, and Malo83's trucks for example.
If you just want to drop, or level it, you can get away with a hanger and/or shackle kit. But that’s far from being “slammed”. I can’t really get a good enough mental pic for the other two, but for sure Malo83 is running a spindle/spring in the front and a flip in the rear.

Just trying to help.
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