Originally Posted by jonathan-m
Sorry for the dummy question here, but is bondo not acceptable to use at all?
I've been doing some minor body work to my truck, first the tailgate, then one back fender and now I'm working on my cab corners as well. I stripped them down to bare metal, and coated them with por-15, and there were some places that were still a little rough after all that sanding. especially around the cab courners (no holes in the corners,the metals just rough- kind of pitted) I had planned to use Bondo to smooth these areas out before I primed it....is that a bad idea?
oops sorry to jack your thread a bit here TimE
No not at all, sometimes you have to use it. I have some in my truck. For skim coating it does a good job. Just don't fill in big dents. A lot of people say no more than a 1/8 inch thick. Hope this helps.