Holley Street Avenger/Rochester 4MV 4 sale
I have a Rochester Quadrajet 4MV part# 7785 for sale and a Holley Street Avenger 670 (only one year old) for sale. Both carburetors need to be rebuilt. I don't know much about the Rochester as I took it off the vehicle almost immediately upon purchase of the truck a year ago. The Holley needs rebuilding due to a bad fuel filter that came apart and allowed sediment into the needle/seat. I needed the truck immediately, so I ran out and bought a new carb rather than rebuild. The truck ran great prior to the filter coming undone.
Rochester - $55.00 + shipping OBO:
Holley - $125 + shipping OBO:
Just respond, or shoot me a PM if interested and I can calculate shipping.
Jaws, the 1971 Chevy Cheyenne Longbed.
She's big, grey, and has an insatiable appetite!
Last edited by Chevyholic; 05-15-2008 at 03:34 PM.