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Old 05-12-2008, 05:59 PM   #8
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Re: I am confuse about my starter, Please Help

Did he ask you if the truck had air conditioning and backup lights, too? It is the standard list of quizzies that those guys have. You can tell the intelligent wrenchheads, when they just go get the part and hand it to you. As for a GM starter, they are pretty much the basic same---starter with solenoid attached. Don't know of many sold without the solenoid, these days. Except the Ford stuff.

1) Does it have wheels?
2) Does the truck have a trunk?
3) Do you have headlights?
4) Where do you park it?
5) What color is it?
6) Will it make noise when I guy steal it?
7) Do you really want me to sell you something?
8) Do you want my wife?
9) Are you sure that you remember what part you asked for?
10) Do you care that I am asking you questions that don't mean a damn thing?
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