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Old 05-16-2008, 01:19 AM   #3
Wrenchbender Ret
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Re: 1972 3/4 GMC alignment?

If the wheels don't look straight ahead the toe in must be off. You can check/set the toe in yourself. Raise the front wheels & take an ice pick & hold it on a place on the tire between the grooves with a block or jack stand to steady it. Turn the tire a complete revolution scribing a line in the tire. Do this on both front tires & let it back down on the floor. Rock or roll the truck back & forth to break the sUrface tention. With the wheels straight ahead have someone hold one end of a measuring tape on the line on one wheel & measure the distance to the line on the other wheel at the center keeping the tape straight & parallel to the ground. Move to the back side of the tires & measure the same way. The front should be 1/16-1/8 in closer then the rear.
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