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Old 05-16-2008, 02:17 PM   #5
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Re: 1972 3/4 GMC alignment?

This just happened to me a few weeks back. I had this one shop do my alignment after swapping to disks brakes. Driving down the road, it was find, but as soon as I made a slow sharp turn, the front tires started squealing and digging into the road. This happened if I was either backing up or going forward, but only when turning. I took it back to them and they said the alignment was perfect.

I then started asking on here for help. No one seemed to know what was going on.

Who would have known about the following??

I went to another shop, & this "Old School" mechanic pointed out to me that I had the center drag link in backwards. It looks the same on both ends, but it isn't.

Like you, I had replaced front end parts. The one thing I didn't look for when reinstalling the parts, was how the center drag link goes back.

So, after reinstalling the drag link & tie rods, the Old School mech re-aligned it. "BINGO", that fixed it. Drives & turns perfect. He had even aligned it on a machine that was made back in the 50's. 70c10 had told me about this guy.

Here's a picture of mine after I had reversed that link. The link is now only around 3/4" away from the xmember.

Again, that drag link can go in backwards without knowing it. Hope this helps.
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1997 GMC Sierra Ext

1965 Mustang

Last edited by 70GMCer; 05-16-2008 at 02:32 PM.
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