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Old 05-16-2008, 04:01 PM   #21
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Re: Pickup or el camino?

I have a 72 c/10 that was bought brand new by my grandfather with 48000 miles, it has a lot of meaning to me, and I also have a 78 elcamino that I bought from my father, it was to replace the 68 elcamino that he had and once he stopped driving it I had to have it.

I love both of the trucks myself, the truck will haul more than my camino will but the camino drives and handles more like a car, I guess it is all about what you are looking to do with it. Personally I vote to keep them both, cause chances are you will never get them back once they are gone. The value of classic cars seem to be rising and rising which makes me want to have more and more of them

I wish I had pics on this computer I would post them up, they are on my computer at home

Last edited by orange72c10; 05-16-2008 at 04:02 PM.
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