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Old 05-17-2008, 05:06 AM   #202
Still livin the "dream" in '54
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Re: '67 step-side replacement rear bumper

Originally Posted by b&a72 View Post
Sweet truck and Dobie! I have two my male is black and rust and my female is the same color as yours,awesome alarms.
Thank you for the complements on the truck and the dobie! I have always loved the red coloring because most people don't realize that he is a dobe. It's so funny when people ask me if Szabu (pronounced sa'boo) has dobie in him!

He really is a big baby. We spoil him pretty good. Hands down he has got to be the best dog I have ever owned. He looks mean but deep down.... well, his motto is "make love (or play or sleep all day) not war"!

Current build. 1954 Chevrolet 3800 "Ella" SOLD!

My '67 stepper "Tangerine Dream"

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Sherlock Holmes

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